Proiectul “ACTIVE YOUTH- through democratic values”, finantat din fondurile Comisiei Europene, prin programul Erasmus +, apelul KA 1 – Mobilitati individuale in domeniul tineretului si desfasurat in parteneriat cu Community Council of Education in Municipality Gotse Delchev BULGARIA, ASSOCIACIO XERACION ASOCIATION CULTURAL SPANIA, Zona Livre – Associação Cultural PORTUGALIA si-a propus desfasurarea de activitati interactive, care sa antreneze tinerii in exercitii de gandire si de intelegere a valorilor democratice intelese prin prisma celor 5 mari teme de interes general si de mare actualitate in randul tuturor tinerilor, si anume: drepturile fundamentale ale omului, egalitatea de gen si sanse, cetatenia activa, No hate speech si agresiunea online.
The project “ACTIVE YOUTH – through democratic values”, funded by the European Commission, through the Erasmus + program, call KA 1 – Individual Mobility in the field of youth and developed in partnership with the Community Council of Education in Municipality Gotse Delchev BULGARIA, ASSOCIACIO XERACION ASOCIATION CULTURAL SPAIN, Zona Livre – Associação Cultural PORTUGAL has set out to develop interactive activities to train young people in thinking and understanding of democratic values understood from the perspective of the 5 major themes of general interest and of high relevance among all young people, namely : fundamental human rights, gender equality and chances, active citizenship, no hate speech and online aggression.